GMX Sign Up

GMX offers a free email service with ample storage, strong spam filters, and an intuitive interface. Creating a GMX account is straightforward. Follow this step-by-step guide to get started.

  • Step 1: Open GMX Website

To create a GMX account, first, visit the official GMX site. Type “GMX” into your browser’s address bar or click here.

  • Step 2: Tap “Sign Up”

Upon reaching the GMX homepage, locate and click the “Sign Up” button, usually at the top right. This action starts the account creation.

  • Step 3: Select Email Address

Next, choose your preferred email address. GMX provides domains like,, and Select one and create a unique username. Your email address combines this username with the chosen domain.

  • Step 4: Enter Personal Info

Input your personal details next. This step includes filling out your name, date of birth, country, and gender. Ensure the information is accurate for verification or password recovery purposes.

  • Step 5: Choose Strong Password

A robust password protects your email account. Combine uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols in your password. Refrain from using predictable information like birthdates or pet names.

  • Step 6: Pass Security Check

GMX may ask you to complete a security check. This step might involve solving a puzzle, clicking images, or typing characters shown on the screen.

  • Step 7: Accept Terms and Conditions

Read and agree to GMX’s terms and conditions and privacy policy before finishing the sign-up. Reviewing these documents informs you of your rights and responsibilities as a GMX user. Once you agree to the terms and conditions, you can start to enjoy your free email account. 

Additional Tips

Craft a memorable yet strong password. For securely storing complex passwords, consider using a password manager. Boost security by enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) on your GMX account. This extra layer requires a second verification step, such as a code sent to your phone. 

Spam filters are robust, yet important emails could be filtered mistakenly. Regularly check your spam folder. Explore various GMX features. Storage options, contact management, and email organization tools are among the functionalities available.

Follow these steps and apply the tips to create your GMX account. Start enjoying its email services quickly. Prioritize account security by choosing a strong password. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) to add extra protection.

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